Circular Economy Taiwan Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1 Eco-Tech Show />※阿波罗油水分离机,VAP型真空系列主要用於发电厂、电站、修试所、变压器厂、厂矿、航空试验室,对於绝缘油、透坪油、液压油、润滑油、柴油、煤油中气体、水分和杂质的净化处理 。※VC型系列介质式油水分离器,拥有专利之油水分离技术,无论在制造过程或含油废水,皆可得到满意之解决。 ※高速离心式洁油机有下列特点∶ ※适用於润滑油、液压油、机油、循环油、淬火油、锻造油、抽线油、切削油、热煤油、防銹油、放电加工油…等均可。 ※ 无耗材,无须更换零件。 ※ 离心式过滤利用比重分离的原理,可有效过滤油中杂质,但无过滤油中水份。 ※ 分离出1μm左右杂质,最小颗粒小至0.26μm。 ※ 可取出因高温致油品裂解之碳粉粒、污泥、氧化物及胶质。 ※ 维修保养费用减少70%,油品使用寿命延长2倍以上,降低成本。 ※可过滤120度以下的淬火油,防止淬火油因高温而裂解、焦化、使淬火油黏度提高,甚至黏著热交换器,使热交换不均匀而破裂。

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本公司从事多年重金属污染防治技术 -多用途重金属调和剂 -含重金属六价铬废液及污泥之处理 -








The company has been engaged in the prevention and control technology of heavy metal pollution for many years -Multi-purpose heavy metal blending agent -Treatment of waste liquid and sludge containing heavy metal hexavalent chromium-
Staged treatment of pickling waste liquid-manufacture of oil-water separation acid and alkali resistant filtering equipment,

Dedicated to improving the filtering effect of heavy metal pollution prevention and saving manpower,

So far successfully developed a multi-purpose automatic backwash filter for the revolutionary automated industrial equipment.

This equipment has ultra-precision filtering effect and large flow filtering speed.

And can accommodate a large number of additives such as: activated carbon, heavy metal blender, waste acid heavy metals in electroplating plants, filter aids.

Powerful jet flushing, backwashing quickly saves time and waste water and achieves the best

Cleaning effect.

服务内容: 污水处理设备,自动逆洗过滤机,重金属处理剂,油水分离,洁油机,重金属废酸处理,介质式油水分离,净油机

主要服务地区:台湾北部, 台湾中部, 台湾南部, 台湾东部, 港澳, 大陆, 东南亚